The Exportersblog is a unique way for you to stay in touch with current issues in international trade. By reading and contributing you can be a part of the story of international trade in the South Pacific. It is the only export blog originating from New Zealand and promotes export success and international trade. It has been set up by the New Zealand School of Export.
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Thursday, 4 December 2008
Google Street View
There is help available for first time users.
It could be of use to the exporter who is looking for a competitor's premises, checking out a supplier etc. Thousands of locations in United States, France, Italy, Spain, Australia, New Zealand and Japan are covered. It is best to have the exact street number in order to get the quickest result, but you can search using words as well e.g. exporters. As you know, it is causing people to question whether or not it breaches privacy laws. What do you think?
Tuesday, 2 December 2008
World Trade Finance
It is entitled Getting worse before it gets better: trade finance and the risks caused by risk.
Thursday, 27 November 2008
Another Review - are you already exporting to Australia?

The Ministry of Economic Development and MFAT are seeking the views of exporters and importers on the new Rules of Origin (ROO) which were introduced on 1 Janaury 2007. Details are available electronically from the MED website:
If you would like further liberalisation of the CER Rules of Origin you may like to send a submission:
By email to:
By post to: CER ROO Review
Ministry of Economic Development
P.O.Box 1437,
Wellington Attn: Nick Kirton
Wednesday, 26 November 2008
What are your views on free trade negotiations between P4 and the US?
The existing agreement proposes the complete removal of traiffs on trade between the four partner countries by 2017. The US is now considering whether it will join in the agreement and begin to phase out tariffs for products from the P4 countries.
While the focus has been mostly on the potential removal of the significant barriers New Zealand faces on its agricultural exports to the US, there is also potential for gains for exporters of manufactured products and services.
Submissions can be made directly to the Ministry by Monday 8 December and should be sent to:
Post: Trans-Pacific Agreement Submissions
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Private Bag 18901
Or you can fill out the online submission form at:
Thursday, 20 November 2008
Friday, 7 November 2008
World's Most Stable Banking Systems
And yes New Zealand is on the list - have a look at the post.
Thursday, 6 November 2008
More on FTAs
For those of you who are already exporting to China, or hoping to export to China: did you know that from the 1st of October this year you will need a Certificate of Origin if you want to take advantage of the preferential access provided by the New Zealand-China FTA? The New Zealand Chambers of Commerce is an approved certification body. You can contact your local Chamber, or phone 0800 EXPORT (0800 397 678). Also see
Is New Zealand the only country so focused on FTAs?
Having just been away overseas I have discovered that we aren't. In September Japan for example has negotiated deals with both Switzerland and Vietnam to conclude bilateral free-trade agreements. Switzerland would be the first industrialized country to conclude a free-trade agreement with Japan which already has agreements with nine economies.
Source: Japan Times 30 September, 2008 p.9
Friday, 26 September 2008
New Zealand China FTA presentation

If are interested in China and you haven’t already looked at the special website which has been set up, please do have a look at: It is a fund of useful information on the agreement itself, sections on doing business in China and a tariff finder which shows the impact of the FTA on tariffs over the next few years.
I felt that the information delivered by the speakers fitted in really well with the Diploma modules that the New Zealand School of Export offers – it was almost as though the whole presentation was a case study for our course: finance, legal aspects, market entry, trade research.
The speakers were all people who had had experience with the development of the FTA or who had been in China. There was one ‘Case study speaker’ Michael Eden from GDM Group which is centred in Wanganui. He is an importer of Chinese components and spoke of his experience of joint ventures. The company has a large, joint venture manufacturing plant with ISO 9001 grading in China, which is frequently visited by GDM Group’s key managers who facilitate training and oversee quality control. You can read about the company at
We were given some useful resources which will be available through ELIS catalogue eventually, but some of these are also downloadable from the website:
One useful tip that came through from speakers was info about the APEC Travel Card which can facilitate entry through immigration into China and 16 other countries in the Asia-Pacific region. If you are travelling as part of your exporting, this would be really useful. See the information at: Perhaps some of you have already had experience in using that.
Wednesday, 3 September 2008
Aspirations for Library Week 2009

I have been having a bit of fun with this ALA poster making product which I picked up from "Stephen's Lighthouse" blog:
ASEAN FTA with New Zealand and Australia

Last week conclusions were reached on free trade agreements between the ASEAN countries (see map) and Australia and New Zealand. The final agreement is expected to be signed in December 2008. Considering that the ASEAN bloc represents total trade of more than NZ$2 trillion and was NZ's third-largest export market, the media have not really picked up on the deal comapred with the China - New Zealand FTA.
Monday, 1 September 2008
China Free Trade Agreement Regional Forum

Nelson – Tuesday 16 September (The Honest Lawyer)
Tauranga – Thursday 18 September (Sebel Trinity Wharf)
New Plymouth – Tuesday 23 September (Quality Hotel Plymouth International)
Palmerston North – Wednesday 24 September (Hotel Coachman)
Monday, 18 August 2008
Library Week 2008
As part of the local celebration of Library Week, librarians from the Ikaroa Region of the Library & Information Association of New Zealand Aotearoa, are meeting at the New Zealand School of Export on Tuesday 19 August, to hear about the development of your School and the Diploma of International Trade.
Wednesday, 30 July 2008
Virtual Trade Missions
Saturday, 19 July 2008
Joint Ventures
Joint ventures (Chapt. 7.2.3) – in addition to the examples of joint ventures that Alison has given on p.20 of the NZ Supplement, some of you may be interested in the latest news from one of New Zealand’s electronics companies. Rakon has announced a joint venture with Chinese firm Timemaker Crystal Technology Ltd. The Chinese factory will focus on making quartz crystal resonators and temperature compensated crystal oscillators (TCXO). Earlier this year Rakon announced a joint venture with Centium Electronics Ltd to manufacture Rakon products in Bangalore, India.
Search on the internet using the keywords: “joint ventures” and Rakon. At the time of blogging, the Rakon website didn’t have any further information (, nor did the joint venture partner Timemaker (
Friday, 18 July 2008
International Market Entry & Distribution - BOLERO
Exporters studying the International Market Entry and Distribution module have shown interest in learning more about the growing trend towards paperless trading which is believed to significantly reduce the risk of global trade through less and better data and increase efficiency by reducing trade-transaction costs Just in case you weren't aware - paperless trading was the subject of a major international Symposium held in June 2008. Organised by the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) and the United Nations Centre for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business (UN/CEFACT), the symposium concluded that using open, harmonized, international standards is critical for successful cross-border paperless trading (you can read more at:
For some time, banks, shipping companies and others in the supply chain have been developing their own proprietary systems which facilitate paperless trading and in addition, organisations such as BOLERO (Bills of Lading Electronic Registry Organization - have endeavoured to provide a complete system - with mixed responses. Below are some comments from one of our export companies (all names removed) regarding BOLERO - if you have additional comments which you wish to add, please do so as your experiences can help others decide whether this is the right option for them.
"It has been around for many years and was initially vaunted as the only total solution for companies to embark on their paperless trading platform. Quite a few years ago it was marketed strongly in NZ and presentations made to interested companies.
BOLERO requires all parties involved in a transaction to be signed up with them.
"There are other platforms out there and there are many organisations e.g. banks, shipping companies etc. which have their own proprietary systems which go a fair way down the track to paperless trading at minimal cost to the customer" .
"I can tell you that a large organisation in NZ viewed BOLERO as its solution for paperless trading but has since backed off."
"You will see on the BOLERO website that ANZ flashes up as being involved with them - this relates to our London office having a very limited involvement in advising LCs via the BOLERO system to a large European Trader. We, as a bank, have had a "watching brief" for many years and certainly don't have any all up commitment to BOLERO - I suspect you will find this with most banks."
"I am aware that BHP (Singapore, I think) was using BOLERO at one stage but am not sure whether this is still the case."
Wednesday, 9 July 2008
Google Images

This is an example of an image which could enhance an assignment in which the exporter was writing about exporting dairy products to India.
In almost all cases Google Images gives you the context of the image and this often contains more information which can be useful. Be aware that some of the images are from sources like blogs or flickr. If you do use images from Google, always make sure that you note and acknowledge the source e.g. Google Images retrieved 9 July, 2008
Images can be difficult to find again unless you search in exactly the same way, so it is worth noting the source immediately.
Try your own search or one of these:
Turkish industry OR China dairy industry
Thursday, 3 July 2008
New Zealand's traditional exports (2)
Cows wintering on swedes, Ermedale, Southland 28 June, 2008. Photo taken by Graeme Siddle.
With premium prices being paid for dairy products on world markets, Southland has become a key dairying province. Milk from this farm which was converted from sheep to dairy in the early 1990s, goes to Fonterra's Edendale plant for processing into powdered milk products.
Friday, 6 June 2008
FITT conference 2008 - Ottawa, Canada
the rise of Fractal Process Management (FPM). The text of Rom's paper and the powerpoint presentation can be found on the School website at:
Friday, 30 May 2008
Our Director features in Government Campaign
Thursday, 29 May 2008
Forfaiting in China
Wednesday, 28 May 2008
Saturday, 24 May 2008
Budget 2008
"The venture investment fund called Better by Design is being expanded to help more firms increase their international competitiveness by integrating design into all aspects of their business.
Our offshore support for exporters is strengthened with funding of $138.9 million including $8 million for the expansion of the Government's Beachheads programme that is now starting to show its value in many different global markets."
They have been largely ignored by the media....
If you want to find the speech go to:
Tuesday, 20 May 2008
Michael Porter
The ELIS catalogue has Michael Porters book Competitive strategy: techniques for analyzing industries and competitors and also a video called Competitive strategy. Both are available for borrowing - do a search on 'porter' to find them.
All the best from the NZ School of Export team.
Monday, 28 April 2008
Study and Exam Tips
Using the index: you may have noticed that the indexes in the materials manuals are not comprehensive. Therefore it is important to make sure that all of the important information is included. It is suggested that that you take out the index pages, staple them together and keep them close at hand when you are reading the chapters. As you find terms, concepts or topics which you think are important, check that they are indexed. If not, add them in with their page number(s). This will not only help you during the exam, but when you want to find topics at a later date.
Thursday, 24 April 2008
China-New Zealand FTA Roadshows
Wellington 26-27 May
Auckland 28-29 May
Christchurch 3-4 June
Hamilton 5-6 June
Dunedin 9-10 June
You can get more information by emailing:
It is disappointing that some other centres are not included e.g. Palmerston North (!) and I have emailed our local Chamber of Commerce to see if they could host a roadshow here. Maybe others might want to try that with their local Chamber.
Thursday, 3 April 2008
Supply Chain Solution – Key to Port Choice

A supply chain solution, which bundles comprehensive logistics services is critical to a port operator to match today’s service demand, particularly from medium and small exporters, which do not have an export office or similar function established within the company.
The trend signals that what the exporters want today is not only the reduced transport cost and lead time, but also an integrated supply distribution system that could improve the market penetrability, while simplifying other export process functions such as documentation, accounting and custom clearance etc.
However, there are still a lot of challenges to NZ port operators and logistics providers.
1) How do we change our mindset of traditional port operation in relate to competitive service offering?
2) How to finding adequate resources, technological and human resources?
3) Any potential JV programs viable? Such as working with inland transportation providers, freight forward, customs brokers?
4) How much support can port operators obtain from industrial bodies, Universities, banks and governments?
Monday, 31 March 2008
Hi Graeme- thanks for getting the blog up and running!
Hopefully this space will provide a real opportunity for our exporters to discuss a whole range of international trade issues in a safe and focused environment.
As this is a distance learning programme and we rarely get to see each other - I thought fellow bloggers might want to see the New Zealand School of Export pictured here with some members of our Advisory Council and Hon Steve Maharey MP, who officially opened the School in December 2007.
Friday, 28 March 2008
Aokautere Park
Blogging on Exportersblog
There will be a minimum of comments from the Specialist Advisers - it is YOUR opportunity to:
- ask questions
- offer opinions and tips on course-related topics
- offer opinions on the world of international trade - the exchange rate, FTA with China, etc.
- share links to useful sites
- share a photo and profile of yourself and the kind of exporting you are engaged in
- post photos you've taken on export topics - logistics, marketing and markets
- alert others to forthcoming events
- share experiences and more
Your blog is not open to others to read and post comments. Bloggers are expected to conform to the Content boundaries as set out in the Blogger Content Policy at
We at the New Zealand School of Export have set the scene (literally) and hope you will use this opportunity to have 'an exporters common room'.