Nou Te Korero - What's Your Story is the theme of this year's Library Week. Are you an exporter with a story? Do you know a New Zealand exporter's story? Why not tell us all about him or her? Need some inspiration - look up these New Zealand exporters on the internet: Ken Stevens, Donna Wells, Angus Tait, Nick Nobilo.
As part of the local celebration of Library Week, librarians from the Ikaroa Region of the Library & Information Association of New Zealand Aotearoa, are meeting at the New Zealand School of Export on Tuesday 19 August, to hear about the development of your School and the Diploma of International Trade.
The Exportersblog is a unique way for you to stay in touch with current issues in international trade. By reading and contributing you can be a part of the story of international trade in the South Pacific. It is the only export blog originating from New Zealand and promotes export success and international trade. It has been set up by the New Zealand School of Export.
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