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Monday, 23 February 2009

The emporer has no clothes

Some of you may be interested in this paper from thenewzealandinstitute which has just been published:http://www.nzinstitute.org/Images/uploads/The_emperor_has_no_clothes_Feb_09.pdf It provides some useful background to the current global economic and financial crisis. There is a section specifically about Agricultural exports. From time to time the New Zealand Institute publishes papers to stimulate discussion and thinking about topics of concern to New Zealanders including those involved in international trade. The URL is http://www.nzinstitute.org/

Friday, 20 February 2009

eBSI TradeBrief

Here is another freebie which some of you may be interested in. eBSI TradeBrief is published free by the electronic Business School International. It has trade related articles, expert commentaries, weblinks and features country profiles. The eBSI homepage is at:

www.ebsi.ie and you can preview TradeBrief at http://www.ebsi.ie/news.php and subscribe to the e-zine if you think you would find it useful.

There are a lot of electronic newsletters available for people involved in international trade and from time to time, I will be using the blog to make sure you know about them.

This quotation might help to brighten your day:

'The vast majority of our imports come from outside the country.' - George W. Bush


Wednesday, 18 February 2009

Establishing International Exporting Standards

Have you seen the latest issue of Bright magazine? The February/March 2009 issue on p.38 features an article about the two new exporting schools in New Zealand, including the New Zealand School of Export. Have a look and give us your feedback - if you would like a copy of the article send an email to info@export.ac.nz