The Exportersblog is a unique way for you to stay in touch with current issues in international trade. By reading and contributing you can be a part of the story of international trade in the South Pacific. It is the only export blog originating from New Zealand and promotes export success and international trade. It has been set up by the New Zealand School of Export.
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Thursday, 30 July 2009
New York, New York

Thursday, 23 July 2009
Maori Language Week|Te Wiki o te Reo Maori

The Māori Language Week theme for 2009 is "Te Reo i te Hapori - Māori Language in the Community."
Te Wiki o te Reo Māori 27 Hōngongoi - 2 Here-turi-kōkā 2009 Māori Language Week 27 July - 2 August 2009
The collage above is from the Korero Maori site Pakihi - For Businesses which has some really useful information for businesses:
* How to find a translator
* Checklist for assessing your business reo
* Ideas for using Te Reo Maori in your business
* Examples and case studies from businesses which use Te Reo.
The website is:
In the ELIS catalogue we have begun to use Maori subject headings:
Umanga = business
Tauhokohoko = trade
These headings are from Ngā Ūpoko Tukutuku - the thesaurus used by the National Library of New Zealand.
Thursday, 16 July 2009
Weightless Economy
Feather on the shore Wellington Harbour near Waitangi Park.
Photo by Marie-Louise Siddle 2009.
Prime Minister John Key delivered a speech on New Zealand's economic performance to a business audience in Wellington on Wednesday 15th July.
It outlined six main policy drivers for the Government -- regulatory reform, infrastructure investment, better public services, education and skills, innovation and a world-class tax system. John Key said the tradable sector of the economy, which includes agriculture, tourism, forestry and manufacturing, has effectively been in recession for five years.
There was no specific mention of assistance to, or ideas for the export sector. The sectors mentioned by John Key in his speech focus still on New Zealand’s traditional areas. What about the weightless economy? It would seem that the series of Discussion Papers on the New Zealand economy put out by the New Zealand Institute’s Director David Skilling have been shelved. In a presentation which he made in 2007 David Skilling says:
‘New Zealand is more likely to succeed in weightless goods and services: adding knowledge-based value to physical products, developing business models that locate production process offshore, as well as producing services that can be transported virtually.’ Creating the weightless economy: positioning New Zealand to compete in the global economy. Unpublished presentation.
David Skilling’s Discussion Paper series are available through the ELIS catalogue.
Thursday, 9 July 2009
Beyond the Farm...

Episode 4: Paul talks to Michael Chick of Tait Electronics and Mike Daniell of Fisher and Paykel Healthcare
Episode 8: Paul talks to Neville Jordan of Endeavour Capital and Andrew Coy of Magritek.
Both can be viewed at: http://www.hotscience.co.nz/extrasciencevideos.php?videotypeid=3&hdrcode=4 and can be downloaded freely.
This series is accompanied by Paul Callaghan's book
Wool to weta: transforming New Zealand's culture & economy which is available from ELIS.
Saturday, 4 July 2009
Engaging exporters
Chief Executive Officers from across New Zealand have called for greater cooperation among exporters, including the possible use of social networking websites.
This suggestion was one of the recommendations from participants in the CEO Forums held in seven locations across the country from March to May 2009.
The idea was put forward that Export New Zealand could identify the top 50 exporters in consultation with NZTE, and then provide online and physical environments for them to engage with each other in.
Providing social networking tools for employees at different levels within exporting companies was raised as a means of sharing market intelligence."
The above is an extract from a piece reporting a series of forums held throughout New Zealand for CEOs and published in Export News at:
At the New Zealand School of Export we think this blog could be used for exporters to engage. What do you think - we'd like to hear from employees in exporting companies.
Wednesday, 1 July 2009
Potatoes for export