The Exportersblog is a unique way for you to stay in touch with current issues in international trade. By reading and contributing you can be a part of the story of international trade in the South Pacific. It is the only export blog originating from New Zealand and promotes export success and international trade. It has been set up by the New Zealand School of Export.
Having had a rant earlier this month about the demise of Bright magazine which was published by NZTE, it behoves me to set the picture straight and write a post about Exporter magazine. Issue 12 (September Quarter 2009) is a great collection of articles ranging from IP through to trade fairs and managing expenses. An article on exporter education includes the New Zealand School of Export and its Diploma of International Trade:
If you haven't read Exporter and want to try it out, there is a sample issue (issue 10) on the website at: From the online version you can save articles, share articles with friends, social bookmark pages or download the pdf. Of course the ideal would be a subscription to get all the material.
In the TraLIS blog"> which I manage, I started a series of posts on Trade Library & Information Services worldwide. Better By Design - a New Zealand organisation dedicated to helping businesses with a range of design issues, also has a small video collection in their Media Library. The videos are available for anyone to watch and therefore are not just a librarian's resource. They include New Zealand exporting companies Comvita and Methven and well worth a look. You need this URL as there is no button from the home page:
A new Factsheet for exporters considering Samoa as a new market opportunity is now available from the New Zealand school of Export website:
BRIGHT magazine published by New Zealand Trade & Enterprise has issued its last number: Issue 35. It was published from 2003 through to August-September 2009. These were six years of really interesting profiles of countries and exporting companies, plus pieces by regular columnists such as Ed Bernacki and Ganesh Nana. Not only were they interesting but also useful for the exporter and international trade educator. The demise of BRIGHT, even although NZTE has developed an e-newsletter called Exportnews, leaves a real gap. Is this a product of the Government's new broom, the economic downturn, or the perceived need to publish electronically?
What do you think? Will you miss BRIGHT or have I got it wrong?
Cultural considerations are a very significant and integral part of the way we do international trade. A key to successful meetings with potential export partners is preparation.Knowing some basic information about the country and the culture you are hoping to enter with your product, is crucial to success.Knowing how to greet your hosts, how to dress, when public holidays are, and what their important cultural values are, will all help to make a visit successful, even if you don’t get the deal you want at first meeting.
Intercultural communication is central to your negotiation strategies.The communication may not always be in the boardroom or the CEO’s office.
The photo above shows a cherry blossom tree usually associated with Japan, in full bloom.This tree is not in Japan as can be seen from the church in the background – it is in fact in Cheviot, North Canterbury, New Zealand and the photo was taken on September 4th.
If this was spring in Japan, you may be invited to share hanami celebrations with your hosts underneath the flowering trees in one of Japan’s many city parks or out in the countryside.Sharing food and drink together may be the key to your export success.
Hanami or blossom viewing lasts from February to April beginning with plum blossom in February, peach blossom in March and cherry blossom in late March or early April.Because Japan extends through 22 degrees of latitude blossom viewing is literally a moveable feast and there is a cherry blossom forecast.
In the larger cities, for example, Kyoto, you may find it very difficult to make hotel bookings or train/airline reservations at cherry blossom time.The first-time exporter to Japan should be aware of the importance of this time to the Japanese and the difficulties of arranging travel and meetings at this time.
Later in April there is also Golden Week which extends into May and includes three public holidays – this is a time to be avoided.
Awareness of and experience with cultural issues is an area which those involved in international trade must all know very well. Cultural knowledge is an area which can be shared so that we learn from one another and don’t put our ’feet in it’. Do you have experiences or tips which you would like to pass on to new exporters? What about sharing them and posting a comment.
Are you and 'Early Bird' or an 'export team' and want to study for the Diploma of International Trade with the New Zealand School of Export?
Did you know there are scholarships available from the School to assist you? For more information look at the website and contact the School NOW for October 1st enrolments.
Photo: Marie-Louise Siddle. Gulls on the Wellington Waterfront 2009
Some readers of this blog may have noticed in the local media last week, mention of the restarting of the Doha Talks. Since then there has been almost nothing. In fact the talks are scheduled to resume formally on September 14 in Geneva. There was a Ministerial meeting held in New Delhi, India on September 3rd and 4th, between India and various regional blocs such as CARICOM on how to cater for the interests of the least developed countries and to ensure that their issues and concerns are addressed.