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Saturday, 29 May 2010

Budget 2010 - a late comment

The Budget summary despatched by  local National candidate for the last election Malcolm Plimmer included this statement under the heading: Biggest tax reform in 25 years

Tax package provides incentives for Kiwis to get ahead, leaves the vast majority better off and tilts the economy towards savings, exports and productive investment
Tilts!  It is not geared to produce much more than a gentle lean!  Exporters needed a shove in the economy not a tilt!

Friday, 28 May 2010

The End of Autumn at Aokautere Park

Here are a couple of photos taken on May 27 in the morning on a not very bright day.   This is the end of the golden weather!:

Thursday, 27 May 2010

Paul Reynolds died 23 May 2010

Today at St Patrick's Cathedral in Auckland the funeral service for Paul Reynolds is being held.   New Zealand will farewell a man supportive of libraries and librarians, and an enthusiastic commentator on the world - not just the IT world.
When I saw the emails nzlibs 'RIP Paul Reynolds' and read them - it didn't dawn on me that he had died - I thought rather that he finished his blog or moved to another country!  Alas I did finally discover that he had died on 23 May from leukemia.
I was most familiar with him from his posts to nzlibs and from his slot on National Radio on Afternoons.   He was so interesting, with a touch of feistiness and a good deal of sense.  Often I heard him while driving and I wished I had a pen and paper to note down his thoughts.
Yesterday May 26 Hamish MacEwan and Jim Mora talked about him on Afternoons and you can hear that broadcast here:

The whole of the library world in New Zealand will be the poorer without Paul Reynolds - not the Telecom Paul Reynolds as this Paul would say!
Graeme Siddle

Thursday, 20 May 2010

NEW Students Page

 Go to: http://www.export.ac.nz/studentspage.html to access really useful information for students about New Zealand's international trade.

This page has been prepared by the New Zealand School of Export and is freely available to students and others.   If you know students needing this kind of information please refer them to this URL.

Tuesday, 18 May 2010

Shanghai Expo Fun Facts

Shanghai Expo Fun Facts = Expo 2010 reality

Have a look at this (click on the title) to get an idea of what Expo 2010 in Shanghai is really like to visit. Well at least the New Zealand Pavilion didn't get slated - nor did it close early!  But then to be honest it wasn't among those admired by this writer...

Thursday, 13 May 2010

Telling trade stories

I have come across a great website called All told - helping New Zealand exporters tell stronger stories.   http://www.alltold.co.nz/

All Told is the trading name of Chris Wilson & Associates Ltd - Chris used to write for bright magazine (now sadly canned).  The All Told people believe that exporters are not telling their story well enough and they are there to help.  Yes they charge, but there is also some great free stuff on the website too.

For example I pulled off a 12 point checklist to help exporters prepare and write a memorable story. 

Have a look at it.
So just to finish a mini-story:

Gordon Brown appealed to God before the election for some cash.   When the volcanic ash came from Iceland - he said to God: 'I said cash not ash'.   Well.... prayers are always answered but not in the way we expect.

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Will Katla Blow?

The prospect of the Icelandic volcano Katla erupting will be making some exporters quail at the possibility and others may be rejoicing.   The CIPD (United Kingdom) Update for 28 April 2010 did a poll on volcanic ash disruption which revealed that the biggest impact on business was people being stuck abroad (72%).   Just 22% felt that the disruption had no impact, and 6% had problems with imports/exports.

The flower exporters of Kenya would I am sure tell a different story.

Here is New Zealand the disruption has opened up new markets for a fish exporter.   The demand for NZ King Salmon's products have 'rocketed' in Asia and the Middle East.   You can read the report at:


Have you got any disruption stories?  Take a moment to share them with us.