Thank you for continuing to read the posts I put up. On Thursday last I listened to a radio interview with the developer of the Read Write Web blog, Richard McManus. For those who may not be aware this blog was developed in Petone, New Zealand - Richard is a New Zealander - and has just been sold for ca US$5 million. Richard said that he was getting 5 million hits a month whereas Exportersblog is getting just over 800. Although paltry in comparison, it very worthwhile for me, and hopefully for those interested in international trade. I trust you will continue to dip in and see what I am thinking about and maybe in 2012 make a comment.
Certainly in New Zealand with all our political parties in the newly elected Parliament promising to grow the economy with 'export-led growth' - we can expect some new and exciting things to happen!?
I know that one of my presents this year is a Kindle - thank you to our American friends who have exported this e-reading technology around the world. At the moment it is tantalisingly wrapped and awaiting Christmas morning. It will be a Christmas of discovery for me - importing titles, getting used to the way it works, almost certainly sharing it with family for the first few days. In one of my early posts for 2012 I will let you know how I have been getting on.

Best wishes to you all.
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